Monthly Tuition

Tuition rates will be set annually, and will go into effect at the beginning of the calendar year. Currently, tuition for VCU Staff, Students, and Faculty is listed at $1,500. Tuition for  non-VCU affiliates is currently $1,600. The VCU Child Development Center reserves the right to increase tuition annually; tuition increases are not to exceed more than 5% per calendar year. For families with more than one child, there will be a 7% discount for the oldest child.

Tuition is paid monthly. There are no deductions for vacations, illness, holidays or other days that the Center may be closed. Tuition is payable by check, credit card, or money order. We cannot accept cash or post-dated checks. VCU employees have the option of participating in payroll deduction to automatically pay tuition on scheduled pay days. The Center is currently not able to accept any financial aid, Virginia subsidy support, or Pell Grant eligible families. 

If your affiliate status (employee, student) changes at any time during your child’s enrollment, your tuition will increase according to the new status.