Holidays and closings


A sign on the front fence of the Child Development Center that says 'VCU Child Development Center, School of Education Main Entrance'.


The Child Development Center follows VCU's University calendar. An updated list of the center's 2021 holidays and staff development days will be available soon.


When it snows or severe weather exists, the Child Development Center follows the same schedule as announced by VCU's Monroe Park Campus. During times of threatening weather conditions, you are advised to stay tuned to any of the major area radio and/or television stations. You may also call 828-6736 (OPEN) for information about University closings, delayed openings, or early closings. Please note that specific closing announcements will be made for VCU’s Monroe Park Campus, separate from other state agencies. The Child Development Center is considered a part of the class schedule for VCU’s Monroe Park Campus. For additional information, please visit the VCU Alert website.